Students of the University of Virginia - 1878

This manuscript is a directory of the students enrolled in the University of Virginia up to 1878. While the title denotes that the work contains short biographies, that is an overstatement. Readers, however, shall find mention of over 10,000 names, along with brief facts about each person, up to the time of publication (1878).

This catalogue was apparently finished in 1875, at the end of the first half century of the existence of the University. But when at that time the manuscript was placed in the hands of Captain Joseph Van Holt Nash, who had undertaken to publish the work, it was found to be far from complete. Captain Nash thereupon with true devotion set to work over the next three years, and with indomitable perseverance, perfected the work, spending money, time and labor without stint in the difficult task.

Abbreviations used with this work:

Ass.: Assistant
B. A.: Bachelor of Arts
B. L.: Bachelor of Law
B. Ls.: Bachelor of Letters
B. Sc.: Bachelor of Science
C. E.: Civil Engineer
C. and M. E.: Civil and Mining Engineer
C. S. A.: Confederate States Army
C. S. N.: Confederate States Navy
Coll.: College
d.: died or dead
Instr.: Instructor
M.: Member
M. A.: Master of Arts
M. D.: Doctor of Medicine
M. C.: Member of Congress
Prin.: Principal
Prest.: President.

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Source: Students of the University of Virginia: A semi-centennial catalogue with brief biographical sketches.