A history and geography of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania

This is probably the first attempt ever made to present the subjects of Local History, Geography, and Government in the form of a text-book. Although the idea and method are entirely new and original with the author, the present work is an earnest attempt to give to teachers, pupils, and others the subjects in a form that can be used conveniently; and as such it is open to criticism, which, it is hoped, will be entirely fair and indulgent.

Object. — The work is designed as a text-book on the subjects named. It is to be studied and mastered, in connection with maps, by the pupils in our county schools. The subjects have thus far been taught orally or by notes, if taught at all, and, with a view to avoid inconvenience and to save the time of the teacher, whose time is generally very limited, the work is prepared. The object is, mainly, to prepare a work suitable for class use.

Origin. — The work is an outgrowth of the school-room and experience. The matter was originally prepared by the author for his own classes, and has been used by them. Primarily, it was given orally to the classes, or in notes and outline, the pupils studying therefrom. So inconvenient was this, and so much valuable time used to a disadvantage, that the author has resolved to put the matter in a printed form.

Importance. — The necessity of such a work cannot be questioned. The subjects themselves demand it. Local History, Geography, and Government are very imperfectly understood, even by those who are proficient in all other branches of learning. All agree that local geography is, practically, of more use to the majority of people than the geography of Asia or Africa; it is evident that a thorough knowledge of the government of a township and county is more useful to all citizens than a knowledge of the Constitution of the United States, the foundation of all law and government, however all-important it is. The demand for a complete knowledge of these subjects becomes more manifest every day. It is the hope of the author that this work may meet the want and supply the demand.

Method. — The matter has been arranged in such a way, it is believed, to be most conveniently studied. It is difficult to present a text-book on any subject that will meet the wants of all grades of classes; however, the author has endeavored to supply pupils at the age ready to study these subjects with the proper book. Special pains have been taken to employ a simple, clear, and concise style, and avoid all rhetorical ornament.

Origin of Matter. — Much of the matter has been obtained by observation and actual investigation. Several works on the topics have been examined, and, in some cases, the language partially followed, and acknowledgments duly made. It is possible credit should have been given where it has been withheld.

In conclusion, the author desires to express his sincere thanks to friends for suggestions and critical examination of manuscript; also, to F. G. Hobson, Esq., in rendering grateful assistance in preparing the subjects of Township and County Government. Hoping that the work will meet with favor, in which is the author's highest reward, it is respectfully submitted to the public.


Table of Contents

Preface 5
Note to Second Edition 8
Suggestions to Teachers 9
Outlines 10


History of Montgomery County 13
General Description 31
Review Questions on the County 33
Questions on State Geography 37


Description of each Township, with Questions 39
Description of each Borough 72


Township Government 83
Borough Government 90
County Government 92
Statistics 105


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The first edition of this work having met with much favor, it is by the earnest request of teachers and friends that this, the second edition, is published. This revision has been delayed for several years in order to get the census returns of 1890, and noting the recent improvements, and changes in the political divisions of the county. All of these matters have now been brought up to date.

The map in this book and the Author's large school map of the county are entirely new, claiming to be the only accurate maps made. The exact location of every post-office, railroad, boundary line of township or borough, parallels of latitude and longitude for every five minutes, etc., may be seen upon the large map.

Advantage is also taken of this revision to make a few changes in the subject-matter of the work and the manner of presenting it, all of which are considered an improvement.