History of the city of Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio

It was with no small degree of embarrassment that the writer undertook the work of historian. While not without experience in another field of literature, he was too well aware of the special requisites for the new department, to feel assured of success. But the work was congenial and has been pursued with unflagging interest, and with results yet to be determined.

So far as the writer had definite plan at the outset, it was, primarily, to furnish facts, rather than narrative or discussion. Hence, the history here presented is little more than a record of what has been done and said by individuals resident in Toledo and Lucas County. In fact, such must substantially constitute real human history. With this understanding, the writer has sought, in connection with the record of each event, to show by whom such was brought about. Hence, the unusual proportion of names of individuals given in this work. Indispensable with such plan is an index by which may readily be found the names of the vast number of actors in the progress of events recorded. Such has been provided, with great care and labor; and containing, as it does, not less than 12,000 references, it will greatly aid in tracing personal record throughout the period covered by the history.

A leading purpose with the writer has been to supply such record as promised most of practical value for future use. Of this class may be specially cited: 1. The chapters giving the County's part in the War of the Rebellion, which is believed to be more full in record, both in Home Work and Field Work, than will be found in any like volume. 2. The political record of the County, embracing the vote for the several candidates at every general election for 50 years. 3. Full list of Toledo officers from the organization of the City in 1837. 4. The names of most County and Township officers. 5. Lists of officers, teachers and graduates of Toledo Public Schools; of members of Toledo Board of Trade and Produce Exchange, of Secret Societies, Pioneer Associations, Churches; and other organizations of permanent interest.


Table of Contents

I. Outline History of the State of Ohio 3-15
II. Locality 17-33
III. Military 35-279
IV. Governmental 281-394
V. Communication and Trade 395-510
VI. Judicial 511-538
VII. Hygienic 539-576
VIII. Religious and Benevolent 577-608
IX. Literary 609-654
X. Annals 655-706
XI. Soil Products 707-716
XII. Social 717-754
XIII. Trade and Manufactures 755-804
XIV. Architecture 805-822
Appendix 825-838
Townships op Lucas County 841-934


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In common with the rest of the American Continent, the primitive condition of the territory now embraced within the State of Ohio and of its inhabitants, is without reliable record. That this region was occupied by an active and intelligent race for hundreds of years before the advent of the white man, is made evident by proofs which leave no room for doubt. These are of various kinds, but consist mainly of stone and earthworks still remaining in different portions of the State. The predecessors of the European settlers have come to be known as the " Mound Builders," from the fact that the chief remains of their occupancy consist of the works so numerous, especially throughout the Valley of the Ohio, the number already found being not less than 10,000. The purposes of these works seem to have been various, and chiefly those of fortification, religious temples and burial places. The chief record by which the age of these remains can be ascertained, consists of the trees here and there found growing upon them. From these it is calculated that at least six hundred years have elapsed since the structures were abandoned by their builders. How much longer, of course, is problematical only. These people seem to have lived in a condition more or less compact, and were not migratory in their habits. From proofs left, they must have carried on more or less of traffic with peoples in other and distant portions of the continent. They left nothing to indicate that they used beasts of burden or vehicles of any sort, their work having all been done by themselves, including the carrying of the heavy materials used in their mounds and fortifications. Their religion seems to have been the worship of nature, in different manifestations. Whence they came, can only be conjectured, their most probable source being Asia, entering the continent from the North, moving Southward, and being followed, if not driven, by succeed- ing hordes from the same general source. What was their final stopping place, is a matter no less uncertain than their origin; but they may have moved Southward into Mexico and there disappeared. The supposed successors to the "Mound-Builders" — the Indians — are the earliest occupants of this region known to history; and like their predecessors, these, too, were in time called to surrender their ground, and are now fast being crowded out of their hunting-grounds by advancing civilization and human greed. They will leave very little to mark their occupancy of the country or to indicate that they ever lived.