Warren County History and Directory, New Jersey

In presenting this, the first general directory c»f Warren county, to our patrons, we ask only that reasonable consideration which the beginning of every new business enterprise demands and which all charitably inclined persons are willing to accord. We feel assured that all fair minded business men will grant this. We do not claim for our work absolute freedom from mistakes, but we do claim that we have constantly aimed at accuracy, and that our purpose has been so far reached as to render the Directory adequate for all the practical purposes for which it is intended.

In the preparation of our work we have encountered a vast deal of prejudice, the cause of which is obvious, but we have persevered honestly, and now hope to satisfy the most incredulous of the utter absence of all thought on our part, to impose upon or in any measure whatever, deal unfairly with the people. It has been our aim to make this work valuable not only to the business man, but to every resident of the county. If we have succeeded we shall only be re warded for honest labor and money expended, and if, in the judgment of our patrons, we have failed to do so, we shall still have the satisfaction of an honest purpose faithfully pursued.

As to the mistakes that may be found in the Directory a word will suffice. Some names may be misspelled, some addresses and occupations wrongly stated, but it is impossible that these things should not occur. These facts are due not to any lack of effort on our part, but to the mistakes of men em- ployed by us and to typographical errors.

Moreover, we claim that our Directory of Phillipsburg, (although there has been a number of Directories published of the town,) is the most accurate and complete of any ever issued. An examination of its contents we think will prove it.


Table of Contents

History of New Jersey 5
History of Indians in New Jersey 40
Some early Laws 61
New Jersey — Descriptive 65
History of Warren County 69
French and Indian War 83
Warren and Sussex in the Revolution 93
The war of the Rebellion 99
Organization of Warren County 104
Miscellaneous Department 107
Directory of Washington Borough 183
" Hackettstown " 213
" Belvidere " 237
" Phillipsburg " 255
" Allamuchy Township 327
" Blairstown " 332
" Frelinghuysen " 343
" Franklin " 349
" Greenwich " 359
" Hope " 366
" Hardwick " 375
" Harmony " 380
" Independence " 389
" Knowlton " 395
" Lopatcong " 407
" Mansfield " 417
" Oxford " 431
" Pahaquarry " 451
" Pohatcong " 455
" Washington " 466


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It is deemed necessary by the compilers of this volume to precede the history of Warren County by a brief history of the State of which it forms a part.

It was not long after the voyages of Columbus that John and Sebastian Cabot, two Venetians in the service of the King of England, Henry VII, were commissioned "to discover the isles, regions, and provinces of the heathen and infidels, which had been unknown to all the nations of Christendom, in whatever part of the globe they might be placed." It was under that commission that the Cabots discovered the island of Newfoundland, on the 24th of June, 1497. They sailed from there southward along the coast as far as Cape Florida. We have no proof that they endeavored to form settlements, but they landed in a number of places and took possession in the name of the King of England. But from various reasons the English did not take advantage of these discoveries till almost a century afterward. A patent was granted to Sir Walter Raleigh by Queen Elizabeth of England, in 1584,, to discover, occupy and govern "remote, heathen and barbarous countries" not previously possessed by any Christian prince or people. Under that authority Raleigh, in conjunction with his associates, sent two ships to America under the command of Amidas and Barlow. They landed at Roanoke, took possession of the country in the name of the Sovereign whose subjects they were, and called it Virginia. Attempts were made in 1585 and in 1590 to establish settlements, but both were unsuccessful. In 1606, King James, ignoring Raleigh's right, granted a new patent of the country of Virginia, embracing all the territory be- tween the southern boundary of North Carolina and the northern boundary of Maine, It consisted of two districts called respectively North and South Virginia. The southern district was granted to Sir Thomas Gates and his associates, chiefly residents of London, and therefore styled the London Company. North Virginia was granted to Thomas Hanham and his associates, who were styled the Plymouth Company.