History of Carrollton Manor, Frederick County, Maryland

By request of the Historical Society of Frederick County, I have written a historical sketch of Carrollton Manor. The research of the early history of this famous Manor is made doubly interesting by its close connection with Carles Carroll of Carollton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Becoming interested in the work and believing I could not leave to posterity a greater heritage than the preservation of the early history of this section and the other matters that I have dealt with, I have undertaken this little history. While it has taken up considerable of my time, and I know it is not written in the style or as well connected as it should be, I have had to overcome many obstacles that were not at first apparent, nor anticipated by me. Though much that I have written has been handed down to me by tradition, I feel the facts have been fully established by the scraps of history obtainable from many sources since the time the early pioneers first entered the primeval forest and disturbed the Indians in their happy hunting grounds.


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Historical justice has never been given this beautiful Carrollton Manor, from the fact that the owner and the original grantee, Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, was a large land owner in other parts of the State where he lived, entertained, and helped to work out the great problems of the State and Nation.