History of Stoddard, Cheshire County, New Hampshire

It was in the Autumn of 1852 the Author be ran to collect materials, and to prepare the work, that he now offers to his fellow townsmen, embracing some of the events that comprise the History of the Town. At that time, it was not his intention, to extend his investigations any further than to gratify his own curiosity.

Having procured a loan of the first vol. of the Town Records and in perusing it, found some of the transactions of our forefathers, that might be interesting and useful, not only to the present, but to future generations, and being impressed with the conviction, that duty to posterity requires, that some one should prepare a work that should embrace some of the deeds of our ancestors, and of the first settlers of the town, that they might be preserved from the shades of oblivion to which they are fast hastening ; with these considerations in view, and the earnest solicitations of several valuable friends, the complier undertook the difficult task.

In preparing a history of the Town at this late period, serious obstacles are to be met with, the old inhabitants are gone, no records have been kept and the town books are very deficient in furnishing the information that is essential towards accomplishing the work, in fact no records are found previous to the town incorporation. We have but little to rely upon, but the memory of the aged citizens, and such events as have been handed down to succeeding generations by their ancestors. By the aid and assistance of some of the older people, who have cheerfully communicated such information as was in their possession; the following pages are presented to the public, hoping that something may be found in them, that will be gratifying, instructive and useful, if so, that will be a great recompense for the labor bestowed upon it.

That errors will occur, is very presumable It cannot be otherwise, since so much depends upon mere recollection. It has been the author's aim, to present everything correctly, and to express all subjects he intended to relate, in plain and familiar terms ; and has not dwelt on any thing in order to increase the number of pages, beyond the necessary limits; nor has he in any case, made comments on what actually transpired.

A notice of the early settlers, will be very imperfect since so few of them, were known to the present inhabitants, their names and residences in many cases, have been preserved, but nothing definite in regard to their history has been obtained.

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The town of Stoddard lies at the north east corner of the County of Cheshire, is bounded on the North by Washington, on the east by Antrim and a part of Windsor, south by Nelson and on the west by a part of Sullivan, Gilsum and Marlow.